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essay plan par Mind Map: essay plan

1. work policies and procedures and historical polices and procedures youth related

1.1. it is advised that staff members and senior staff in schools and colleges discuss ways to approach youth violence with local police, community safety partners and other local educational institutes

1.2. 2010-2015 government policy; knife, gun and gang crime

1.3. Youth justice system

2. References

2.1. Wiley online library journal of school of health (1999-2019 ) John Wiley & sons

2.2. youth music National foundation for youth music (2019)


3. Contemporary issue

3.1. Knife crime

3.1.1. Talking youth knife violence\music making

3.1.2. Each year 350 youth music projects across England 89,000 children and young people making music making music together with all different types of people bringing them together skills they need to be able to face the word and take control of their own lives

3.1.3. school based programmes reduce aggression and violent behaviours Evidence shows school policies and programmes can reduce aggression and violence in schools, so must be a high priority and could help close achievement gap

3.2. students age 12-18 approx. 628,200 violent crimes

3.2.1. education and public health systems clearly show mutual goals

3.3. Violence in schools

3.3.1. violent behaviours has negative impact on academic achievement cognition, absenteeism, school connectedness

4. Youth projects

4.1. social education programmes

4.1.1. Group work

4.1.2. one to one work (mentoring)

4.1.3. skills training to enhance employment

4.1.4. theoretical interventions

4.1.5. outward bound courses >sport <drama <Expressive art

4.2. youth wings within schools (mainly high schools)