Monitoring and evaluation tools constrain or enhance educational development

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Monitoring and evaluation tools constrain or enhance educational development par Mind Map: Monitoring and evaluation tools constrain or enhance educational development

1. Findings

2. Research Methodology

2.1. M& E exercise: focused visits, moderation exercises

2.2. semi-structured interview with teachers, schools staff, community

3. New node

3.1. New node

4. Measure quantity or quality of primary education

4.1. The success of "Education for all" can undermine the quality of education

4.2. Must measure both

4.3. How to measure

5. a case study in Cambodia

5.1. Introduce the education system

5.1.1. Context

5.1.2. the need to upgrade monitoring and evaluation system in education sector

5.2. Introduce Education quality improvement project(EQIP)

5.2.1. 1st component: quality improvement grants programme

5.2.2. 2nd component: the institutional strengthening and capacity building for education sector

5.3. Monitoring and evaluation in EQIP

6. discussion