5 Benefits of Writing: Why You Should Write Every Day by Catherine Winter

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5 Benefits of Writing: Why You Should Write Every Day by Catherine Winter par Mind Map: 5 Benefits of Writing: Why You Should Write Every Day by Catherine Winter

1. Dream Recall

1.1. Keep a dream journal

1.2. Create a collection of past dreams

1.3. See if you dream a dream more than once

1.4. You will notice more details the more you write in your dream journal

2. Vocab Maintenance and Expansion

2.1. Use a new word everyday

2.1.1. Download an app to give you a new word

2.2. Creative writing helps you retain more

2.3. Try writing a different prompt everyday

3. Evening Contemplation and Relaxation

3.1. Wind-down your night by recalling your day

3.2. Spend some alone-time and write your thoughts

3.3. Write down anything you are stressed about

3.3.1. Everyday see if you helped relieve that stress

4. Wake-Up Call for Your Brain

4.1. Getting up earlier helps your brain wake up and be ready for the day.

4.2. Drink coffee and stimulate your brain in the morning

5. Write Down Your Thoughts When You Wake Up

5.1. Keep a notebook by your bed and write thoughts down when you get up

5.2. Collect your journals over time

5.3. Re-read your old journals

5.3.1. See your growth overtime