Hitler & the Rise of the Nazi Party

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Hitler & the Rise of the Nazi Party par Mind Map: Hitler & the Rise of the Nazi Party

1. 1921

1.1. Hitler turned into voted chairman of the party and took general control.

2. January 30, 1933

2.1. Adolf Hitler Apointed Chancellor

3. February 28, 1933

3.1. Reichstag Fire Degree

4. May 10, 1933

4.1. Book Burning

4.1.1. Books deemed "un-German" are publicly burned throughout Germany

5. July 14, 1933

5.1. New German law mandates the forced sterilization of certain individuals with physical and mental disabilities

6. Sept. 12, 1919

6.1. Hitler becomes the 55th member of the Nazi Party

7. 1920

7.1. Hitler and the opposite leaders of the birthday party modified its name from the German Workers' Party to the National Socialist German Workers' Party

8. April 1, 1933

8.1. Members of the Nazi Party and its affiliated organizations organize a nationwide boycott of Jewish-owned businesses in Germany

9. APRIL 7, 1933

9.1. German law excludes Jews and other political opponents from civil service positions.

10. November 24, 1933

10.1. A new German law allows courts to order indefinite imprisonment.