Suzy's ADDIE mindmap Week 2

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ADDIE par Mind Map: ADDIE

1. Step 4: Implement

1.1. Questions: Are there clear instructions for the learners? Are the assessments prepared and set up in the LMS? Which facilitators will be delivering this content and do they have resources to reference the training and assessment expectations? Are learners enrolled?

1.1.1. All facilitators delivering content will be loaded as a learner 2 weeks prior to training enrollment to familiarize themselves with the process from a learner point of view. All content loaded as SCORM files on to the LMS and resources will be embedded in the player of the SCORM files. Admin team will be notified that entried into the IMIS databsse will generate a single sign on link to the LMS. A grading rubric will be provided on the LMS.

2. Step 5: Evaluate

2.1. Questions: Did the program achieve the outcome? Were there any opportunities to alter the materials and structure? Are additional materials needed? Are the learners satisfied with the program? Did they retian knowledge? Did they apply knowledge successfully?

2.1.1. Daily reports on quiz scores and activity will be produced and reviewed with stakeholders. Facilitators will provide assessment outcomes. Third party reports will be reviewed for workplace application.

3. Questions: How will the content be structured? What will the learning path be - what order of content? What will be used to create the learning experience? How will learning be assessed?

3.1. The content will follow a "what, which, why, who, when, where and how" format of structure. Mnemonics and images with examples will be used and templates provided. Learners will complete 3 templates for an upcoming meetings with post-meeting reflections for each.

4. Step1: Analyze

4.1. Questions: What is the need that needs to be addressed? Who has this need? What should the goal be for this learning? What will the learner outcome be? What are the objectives?

4.1.1. Those who call and lead meetings need to run these more efficiently and effectively in the workplace to avoid wasted time and unclear accountability. The terminal goal will be that learners can now plan meetings based on their desired outcome for the meeting. This will include considerations of attendees, location and format.

5. Step 2: Design

6. Step 3: Develop

6.1. Questions: Where will we get the assets from? Who will be a part of the process of delivering this content? How will we gain stakeholder feedback? What will we use to author this content?

6.1.1. The images will be resourced from a combination of Vectorstock and SlideModel and optimized as png's by myself. I will storyboard the learning and meet with admins and CRM's as stakeholders. Additional items will be created in MS Word and the overall training will be created in Storyline 360.