Crowd management

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Crowd management par Mind Map: Crowd management

1. situations

1.1. venue itself, disasters

1.2. Crowd Control

1.3. shelter mode of the venue

2. typical content

2.1. CM roles (everyone in the team)

2.2. staff management

2.3. safety (fire, etc)

2.4. venue-specific real-place training

2.5. law enforcement roles and duties

3. theory

3.1. Crowd itself and psychology

3.2. threat models, threat actors

3.2.1. riot control - is it a part of CM at MME?

4. DP training target audience

4.1. Leaders

4.2. Traffic

4.2.1. KPIs

4.3. Police Stations

4.4. Operations Room

4.5. PSE (Protective Security and Emergency including SWAT, K9, Drones, etc.)

5. frameworks / guides / regulations

5.1. India

5.2. USA Transportation

6. Roles

6.1. officials (law enforcement, etc)

6.2. crowd managers @ venues and facilities

7. Existing "Models"

7.1. FIST

7.2. RAMP

7.3. DIM-ICE

8. scenarios

8.1. preparations (before)

8.2. during (execution)

8.3. after (?)

9. Structure

9.1. growth in size/complexity and risks scope

9.2. Crowd Management at small event

9.2.1. normal operations

9.2.2. planning capacity and controls

9.3. CM + natural disasters

9.3.1. risks added outage weather

9.3.2. skills / controls added emergency and evacuations planning engaging with emergency forces (paramedical)

9.4. CM + unpredicted behavior of the crowd itself

9.4.1. risks added crowd behavior

9.4.2. engaging with law enforcement

9.5. Crowd Management for massive short events

9.5.1. terrorists

9.5.2. riots

9.6. CM for long-term events

9.6.1. reviews and improvements

10. experts?

10.1. Paul Foster

10.2. Keith Stil