Theoretical Perspectives

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Theoretical Perspectives par Mind Map: Theoretical Perspectives

1. Behaviorist

1.1. Theorist: Skinner

1.2. Overview: Learning is based on stimuli, responses and reinforcements that occur in the environment; "operant conditioning."

1.3. Aspect of Language Knowledge: Semantic, Syntactic and Morphemic

2. Nativist

2.1. Theorist: Chomsky

2.2. Overview: Emphasizes inborn human capabilities as being responsible for language development.

2.3. Aspect of Language Knowledge: Syntactic

3. Cognitive Developmentalist

3.1. Theorist: Piaget

3.2. Overview: Language is acquired as maturation occurs; no unique language mechanism, language is learned using same mechanism for other learning.

3.3. Aspect of Language Knowledge: Semantic and Morphemic

4. Interactionist

4.1. Theorist: Vygotsky, Bruner and Halliday

4.2. Overview: Children acquire language in attempts to communicate with the world around them; social interaction.

4.3. Aspect of Language Knowledge: Pragmatic