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MEDIA par Mind Map: MEDIA

1. Defining Media

1.1. The main means of mass communication

1.2. Communicated or expressed

1.3. 1.1 The communication process

1.4. 1.1.2 The feedback mechanism

1.5. 1.1.3 Media as an information industry

1.6. 1.1.4 Media as a culture of entertainment

1.7. 1.1.5 Kinds of Media

2. Aesthetics of Social Networking

2.1. Print based

2.2. Audio based

2.3. Video based

2.4. Social networking sites

2.5. Relevance of social media in today's society

2.6. Personal Communications

2.7. Business and Customer care tools

2.8. Entertaiment portals

2.9. educational tools

2.10. Traditional Media

3. Aesthetics of New Media

3.1. New media as multimedia

3.2. From synergy to transmedia

3.3. Journalism + internet = blogging

3.4. Broadcasting + internet = podcasy

3.5. Film + internet = youtube

4. Aesthetic of Film and TV

4.1. Narrative

4.2. Documentary

4.3. Animation

4.4. Expiremental

4.5. TV shows

4.6. Film Format

5. Aesthetics of Image, Text and Audio

5.1. Newspapers

5.2. Books

5.3. Comics

5.4. Magazines

5.5. Radio

5.6. Photography

6. Media Then and Now


6.2. Pre- industrial age

6.3. Industrial Age

6.4. Electronic age

6.5. Digital Age


6.7. Pre coloninial traces