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Abdulkareem par Mind Map: Abdulkareem

1. favorite food

1.1. Spanich

1.2. pizza

1.3. black beans

1.4. burger

1.5. sushi

2. favorite desert

2.1. cheesecake

2.2. donuts

2.3. macaroon

3. My family

3.1. Bara'a ( Dad )

3.2. Moteaa ( Mom )

3.3. Reema ( Sister )

3.4. Abdulkareem ( Me )

3.5. Osama ( Brother )

4. favourite video games

4.1. fortnite ( but i don't play it that much )


4.3. minecraft

4.4. roblox

5. hobbies

5.1. basketball

5.2. hand work

5.3. cooking

5.4. swimming

6. I am 14 years old

7. Things I dislike

7.1. going to the sea in winter

7.2. sleeping wen i don't want to sleep

7.3. not having anything t do

8. In the Future I would like to be a computer prgrammer