Human Population is Growing! What does this mean for Earth?

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Human Population is Growing! What does this mean for Earth? par Mind Map: Human Population is Growing! What does this mean for Earth?

1. Deforestation

1.1. Growing populations have to be housed, which means they need more space to build homes and cities. This often involves clearing forests to make room for developments as well as to provide building materials

1.2. Deforestation has many harmful effects, including decreasing oxygen levels, increasing greenhouse gases, and the destruction of animal habitats

1.2.1. Create imbalance of carbon and oxygen in the atmosphere. This is due to soil pollution caused by human

2. Global Warming

2.1. The burning of fossil fuels pumps greenhouse gases into the atmosphere which is causing the Earth's surface, oceans and atmosphere to increase in temperature.

2.1.1. Melting glaciers and severe droughts will cause more water shortages and increase the risk of wildfires.

2.1.2. Rising sea levels will lead to coastal flooding

2.1.3. Heat waves and heavy downpours will damage and destroy agriculture and fisheries.

2.1.4. Disruption of habitats could drive many plant and animal species to extinction

3. Plant & Animal Extinction

3.1. Increasing numbers of humans populating the Earth means that there are fewer resources such as food, water, and habitat available for other species to survive.

3.2. Habitat loss, climate change, and pollution caused by humans is threatening to cause plant and animal extinction. Many species are also at risk due to overfishing, poaching, and exploitation of natural resources.

3.2.1. The extinction of species affects the ecosystems in which these plants and animals live. All species are important and help keep the ecosystem balanced. If one species is lost the entire ecosystem can stop working.

4. Loss of Fresh Water

4.1. While water covers 71% of Earth's surface, only 2.5% of water resources are fresh water and 1% of that is available as unpolluted drinking water.

4.2. Research has shown that humans are consuming fresh water faster than the planet can replenish it, which gives rise to the Water Crisis all around the world.

4.2.1. According to the UN, 2.1 billion people lack access to safe drinking water!!!

5. Pollution

5.1. According to WHO, 91.3 percent of the population world-wide living under unhealthy air

5.1.1. Air pollution can cause heart and lungs problems or diseases. It can create acid rain which threatens more organisms than just human

5.1.2. Hydrochlorofluorocarbons, chlorofluorocarbons, and halons which are man-made compunds that can shed the ozone layers. Unhealthy lights are be able to pass through and leave living organisms in danger

5.2. Water pollution leads to death of sea creatures, many species are facing extinction. Because it directly impact on the food chain, humans are also in danger

5.2.1. This is cause by human dumping trashes into water/ocean

5.3. Soil pollution can be pass onto humans and animals through plants (food sources) and can cause cancer

5.3.1. Soil pollution can turns into water pollution if the soil being in the water for a long amount of time

5.3.2. Chemicals like pesticides and herbicides were added to soil which create this pollution

5.4. Light and noise pollution are caused by social event, transportation and industrial activity.

5.4.1. Can create stress, headache and anxiety for human and decrease our productivity

5.4.2. For animals that live using light and noise as orientation might face death threats. Marine animals died because of excessive noises in the ocean Photo-periodic animals' natural behavior and cycle can be mixed up then leads to the decrease in variety of the wildlife

6. Natural Resources Exploitation

6.1. Fuels used in vehicles, energy to make electricity, machines in factories are being overuse

6.1.1. About 20.50 million barrels of petroleum was being used per day in 2018. Petroleum is a rare fossil oil, it takes million years to form and just like any other fossil fuel, this source of energy is not renewable

6.1.2. The overuse of fossil fuels leads to air pollution, global warming, and many more serious problems due to the release of carbon dioxide into the air

6.2. Living organisms can also be victims under resources exploitation

6.2.1. The overuse of woods and plastic (in wood) can lead to extinction for some species. The same thing for animal, the number human use them to take money increase, then their chances of extinction is higher

6.2.2. Carbon dioxide and others toxic from fossil fuel combustion can kill human and animal by bringing serious health problems like chronic asthma and cardiovascular diseases

6.2.3. Oil spill and trash being thrown out into the sea can make animals and plants living under being in danger.