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S3 par Mind Map: S3

1. Object based

1.1. Think of object just as files

1.2. Consist of

1.2.1. Key: name of object

1.2.2. Value: data=made up of a sequence of bytes

1.2.3. Version ID

1.2.4. Metadata: data you are storing

2. Data Consistency

2.1. read after write for PUTs of new object

2.2. Overwrite puts and deletes: take a bit time to propagate

2.3. Buid for 99.99% availability, Guarantee 99.9% availability, 99,999999999% durability ( very less likely going to be lost)

3. Features

3.1. Tiered Stoage

3.1.1. Files live in tier for 30 day old then move to other tier, archive them after 90 days

3.2. Life-cycle management

3.3. Versioning

3.3.1. Multifiles in buckets

3.4. Encrypt data at Rest

3.5. MFA delete

3.6. Secure data using ACL and Bucket policy

4. used for:

4.1. Store files

4.2. Not suitable for DB, Operating system

4.3. enable MFA delete

4.4. HTTP 200 when successfully upload

5. what is S3

5.1. Stand for Simple Storage Service

5.2. Secure, durable highly scable object Stroage

5.3. Object base from 0 Bytes to 5TB

5.4. Files are stored in buckets

5.4.1. It is just a folder

5.5. bucket must be unique globally

5.5.1. it has https address

5.5.2. metadata: data about data

6. Transfer Acceleration

6.1. utilities the cloud-front edge network to accelerate your uploads to S3

6.1.1. Distinct URL to upload to an edge location

6.1.2. an edge location transfer that file to S3

7. Charging:

7.1. Storage

7.2. Request

7.3. Storage management Pricing

7.4. Data Transfer Pricing

7.5. Transfer Acceleration

7.6. Cross Region Replication Pricing