Comparing Pyramids Around the World

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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Comparing Pyramids Around the World par Mind Map: Comparing Pyramids Around the World

1. El Tajín Pyramid

2. Tazumal

3. Ecuador

3.1. Cochasquí Pyramid

4. Mexico

4.1. Pyramid of the Sun

4.2. Pyramid of the Moon

4.3. Altun Ha Pyramid

4.4. Calakmul Pyramid

4.5. Chichen Itza Pyramid

4.6. Pyramid of Cholula

5. North America

5.1. Monk's Mound

6. Peru

6.1. Pirámide Mayor

7. El Salvador

8. Guatemala

9. New node

10. Pyramid of Tikal

11. China

11.1. Great White Pyramids

12. Egypt

12.1. Pyramid of Djoser

12.2. Pyramid of Khufu

13. Japan

13.1. Under Water Pyramids

14. Greece

14.1. Pyramid of Hellinikon

15. Australia

15.1. Walsh's Pyramid


16. India

16.1. Gangaikonda Cholapuram

16.2. Sri Ranganathaswamy Temple