Pokemon Concepts

School Assignment

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Pokemon Concepts par Mind Map: Pokemon Concepts

1. Nature

1.1. Adamant Bashful Brave Bold Calm Careful Docile Gentle Hardy Hasty Impish Jolly Lax Lonely Mild Modest Naive Naughty Quiet Quirky Rash Relaxed Sassy Serious Timid

2. Abilities

3. Legendariy Pokemon

4. Mythical Pokemon

5. Evs and Ivs

6. Types

6.1. Fire

6.2. Grass

6.3. Poison

6.4. Water

6.5. Ground

6.6. Ice

6.7. Dark

6.8. Psychic

6.9. Steel

6.10. Flying

6.11. Fighting

6.12. Ghost

6.13. Normal

6.14. Dragon

6.15. Fairy

6.16. Rock

6.17. Electric

7. Held Items

7.1. Mails, Scarves, Orbs,Gems,Z-Crystals, Mega Stones,Memories, Incense,Berries, Drives,EV-enhancing items,Evolution-inducing held items,Experience-affecting items, Plates,Stat-enhancing items,Type-enhancing items,In-battle effect items and Out-of-battle effect items.

8. Breeding

8.1. Oval Charm

8.2. Everstone

8.3. Destiny Knot

8.4. Power Items

8.4.1. Power Weight (HP)

8.4.2. Power Bracer (Atk)

8.4.3. Power Belt (Def)

8.4.4. Power Lens (SpA)

8.4.5. Power Band (SpD)

8.4.6. Power Anklet (SpE

9. Shiny Pokemon