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Vocabulary par Mind Map: Vocabulary

1. Week 3

1.1. Come over

1.1.1. to visit

1.2. bring over

1.2.1. to take with you

1.3. have over

1.3.1. to invited someone to your home for visit for meal.

1.4. drop in

1.4.1. to pay a short visit, often without warning

1.5. drop-off

1.5.1. to fall asleep easily

2. Week 4

2.1. throw a party

2.1.1. to organize a party

2.2. crash a party

2.2.1. to attend a party without being invited

2.3. party pooper

2.3.1. to spoil other people's enjoyment by disapproving of or not taking part in a particular activity

2.4. let your hair down

2.4.1. relax and enjoy yourself

2.5. hang out

2.5.1. spend time relaxing (informal)

3. Week 5

3.1. hit on

3.1.1. Talk to someone to try to attract them.

3.2. ask out

3.2.1. ask someone to go on a date

3.3. attracted to

3.3.1. to feel that you like someone

3.4. fall for

3.4.1. fall in love with sb

3.5. lead someone on

3.5.1. to deceive someone, especially to make them think you love them

4. Week 1

4.1. Delightful

4.1.1. Very pleasing, wonderful.

4.2. Disappointing

4.2.1. not as good as you had hoped

4.3. Frightening

4.3.1. Scary

4.4. reliable

4.4.1. Trustworthy

4.5. Pleasant

4.5.1. giving a sense of happy satisfaction or enjoyment.

5. Week 2

5.1. flee

5.1.1. to run away

5.2. allegiance

5.2.1. the loyalty or obligation owed to a government, nation, or caouse.

5.3. Oath

5.3.1. a solemn promise

5.4. Heritage

5.4.1. property that ir or may be inherited

5.5. Patriotism

5.5.1. love for one´s country