Crohn Disease (CD): Inflammatory bowel disease w/ patchy full-thickness inflammation in the GI tr...

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Crohn Disease (CD): Inflammatory bowel disease w/ patchy full-thickness inflammation in the GI tract from the mouth to the anus most often in the terminal ileum sm. intestine or proximal lrg. intestine. par Mind Map: Crohn Disease (CD): Inflammatory bowel disease w/ patchy full-thickness inflammation in the GI tract from the mouth to the anus most often in the terminal ileum sm. intestine or proximal lrg. intestine.

1. Diagnosis

1.1. Upper GI study W/small bowel follow- thru

1.2. Barium enema

1.3. Lower endoscopy

1.4. Biopsy of suspicious lesions

1.5. Labs/stool cultures: Guiack Test

2. Treatment

2.1. There is no cure for CD it can only be controled

2.2. anti-inflammatory agents

2.3. anti-diarrhea agents

2.4. antibiotics

2.5. biological therapy/ Immune therapy (Humira)

2.6. Surgical interventions: Bowel resection (possible colostomy)

2.7. Lifestyle and diet changes: Low residue, high protein, high calorie diet. Smoking and drinking should be limited due to irritating factors.

3. Cause

3.1. Difficult to find a definite answer to diagnoses

3.2. Genetics, Smoking, Alcohol, Age, Diet, Ethnicity

4. Signs/Symptoms:

4.1. Initial: Fever, mild mucousy bloody diarrhea x3days, fatigue, anorexia, vague abdominal pain, anemia

4.2. Progressed: Increased abdominal pain (typically RLQ), Weight loss, severe fatigue, bloody/mucus/pus in stools and skin breakdown in the peri-rectal area, anemia

4.3. Cyclic cycle : Remission and Exacerbation

5. Nursing Considerations

5.1. Immune suppressed

5.2. Nutritional status

5.3. Hydration status

5.4. Disturbed body image: due to surgical interventions

5.5. Pain control

5.6. Physiological impact

6. Nursing Diagnoses: Impaired Nutrition & Fluid and Electrolyte Imbalance

6.1. Fluid/Electrolyte imbalance due to increased peristalsis from inflammation and irritation in the bowel.

6.2. Impaired Nutrition: decreased absorption in the GI tract due to scared tissue