Marketing campaign for my band

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Marketing campaign for my band par Mind Map: Marketing campaign for my band

1. Promotion

1.1. Posting dates and photos from the photo shoots to publicise when we are releasing new material.

1.2. Having little teasers up on our social media platforms to give people a taste for what's coming up.

1.3. Using the photos from the photo shoots and posting them daily as a calendar to sell the release of our single two door ford fiesta.

1.4. Keeping the followers on our social media updated with consistent posts of things related to our music being released.

2. Mixed media

2.1. Photo shoots ready for the release of the new songs so we aren't having to use old photos that people have seen before.

2.2. Artwork for the cover of Embers when we release that as a single before the EP.

3. End achievement of the marketing campaign

3.1. The end achievement of this marketing campaign is to see how many followers we have gained through social media and to see how many streams and monthly listeners we have gained as well

3.2. We also will be viewing how well our promotional ideas worked and did it give us a better hence of getting us gigs and more of an audience else where in the UK.