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Constitutional Law par Mind Map: Constitutional Law

1. What is the consitutional?

1.1. Consitutional = supremelaw

1.1.1. admistrative law

1.1.2. criminal law

1.1.3. criminal procedure law

1.1.4. labour law

1.1.5. economic law

1.1.6. civil law

1.1.7. civil procedure law

1.1.8. marriage and family law

1.1.9. land law

1.1.10. financial law

1.1.11. banking law

1.2. Fudamental rules governing vital matters of Vietnam

1.3. Binding on everybody including the law making institutions

1.4. Has highest effect in the Vietnamese legal system

1.5. Mother law which other laws comply with

2. How many constitutions have been enacted in Vietnam?

3. How is state power organised in the constitution?

4. What are the fundamental rights and obligations of Vietnamese citizens regulated in the constitution

4.1. Democracy and individual freedoms

4.2. Political

4.2.1. Participate in management of the state, discussion with the state organs

4.2.2. Make complaints or denunciations about illegal acts of individuals, organisations, agencies

4.2.3. Vote or stand for election to the national assembly, or people’s council

4.3. Economic, cultural and social

4.3.1. The rights to work, choose occupations, employment and workplaces

4.3.2. Freedom to operate business in areas not forbidden by law

4.3.3. The right to education

4.3.4. The right to marry and divorce

4.3.5. The right to protection of health

4.3.6. The right to protection of health

4.3.7. The right to gender equality

5. How is the economy, technology, environment, science, education and culture regulated in the constitution?

6. How is the Vietnamese state structured according to the constitution?

6.1. Principle of the organisation

6.2. how do people exercise state power?

6.2.1. National assenbly

6.2.2. People's council

6.3. Statepower

6.3.1. leigslative National assembly

6.3.2. Executive government

6.3.3. Judical Court