Healthy Relationships & Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity

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Healthy Relationships & Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity par Mind Map: Healthy Relationships & Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity

1. S.H.A.R.E

1.1. Safety

1.1.1. Neither have to worry about anything

1.2. Honesty

1.2.1. Telling the truth

1.2.2. Never lying to one another

1.3. Acceptance

1.3.1. Being accepted for who you are

1.3.2. Being acceptance for others

1.4. Respect

1.4.1. Respecting other's rights to have different ideas and thoughts

1.5. Enjoyment

1.5.1. When together you feel happy and energized

1.5.2. Never a dull moment with one another


2.1. Communication

2.1.1. Being able to assertively talk to your partner as they do the same

2.2. Commitment

2.2.1. Both parties are making equal effort and putting it into the relationship

2.3. Compromise

2.3.1. Partners are able to come up with a solution to satisfy each other and are happy with


3.1. Homosexuality

3.1.1. Attraction to the same sex or gender

3.2. Heterosexuality

3.2.1. Attraction to the opposite sex or gender

3.3. Bisexuality

3.3.1. Attraction to both males and females

3.4. Pansexuality

3.4.1. Attraction to people of any sex or gender

3.5. Asexuality

3.5.1. Lack of sexual attraction


4.1. LGBTTQ+

4.1.1. Lesbians

4.1.2. Gay

4.1.3. Bisexual

4.1.4. Transgender

4.1.5. Two-Spirit

4.1.6. Queer

4.1.7. Questioning

4.2. Gender Identity

4.2.1. Sex: The biological features of a person Chromosones Hormones Internal and External anatomy

4.2.2. Intersex: People who display a variation of in sex characteristics at birth that does allow identification of sex Intersex people will define themselves by a chosen gender identity that best reflects how they feel

4.2.3. Transgender: A term used for people whose gender identity does not confirm to what is associated with the sex they were assigned with at birth.


5.1. The rainbow flag has become a symbol of the growing movement to support and promote sexual diversity, to raise awareness as a human right about sexual diversity.

5.2. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights respects the right to sexuality which includes the right to freedom on grounds of sexual orientation from discrimination.


6.1. Emotional

6.1.1. Connecting with one another

6.1.2. Sentimental

6.1.3. Includes feelings and thoughts

6.1.4. Sharing experiences

6.2. Physical

6.2.1. Not always sexual, but can be

6.2.2. Hugging

6.2.3. Cuddling

6.2.4. Kissing

6.2.5. Holding Hands


7.1. Be respectful and to use terms that people prefer.

7.2. Use terminology only as it is meant to be used.

7.3. Using phrases such as "that's so gay" serves only to stereotype what it means to be gay and is a form of discrimination.


8.1. Family Relationships

8.1.1. Relatives

8.1.2. Parents

8.1.3. Blood-Related

8.1.4. Kindship

8.2. Friendships

8.2.1. With people you trust deeply

8.2.2. Honesty, Loyalty and Passion are important

8.3. Romantic Relationships

8.3.1. With someone whom you are strongly attached to

8.3.2. Can be attracted to their personality, physicality, or both

8.3.3. Lots of commitment


9.1. A Cup of Tea

9.1.1. Consent to have intercourse is like a cup of tea

9.1.2. If somebody does not want the tea, do not give them a cup of tea

9.1.3. If somebody would like a cup of tea, give one to them

9.1.4. If somebody is asleep, do not force them to have a cup of tea

9.1.5. If somebody wants a cup of tea, but then later decides they do not want it, don't give it to them