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Input/Output par Mind Map: Input/Output

1. Keyboard

1.1. Types commands

1.2. Types data

2. Mouse

2.1. Make selection

2.2. Move object

2.3. Give commands

3. Input

3.1. Use to enter data

4. Scanners

4.1. Capture print copy

4.2. Images

4.3. Flatbed

5. Output

5.1. Use to move data out

6. Monitor

6.1. display information

6.2. softcopy/electronic

6.3. Types of Monitors

6.3.1. Desktops

6.3.2. Flat

6.3.3. Laptops

7. Printer

7.1. permanent data

7.1.1. hard copy

7.1.2. printed forms

7.2. Laserjet

7.3. Inkjet

7.4. Multifunction