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Covid - 19 par Mind Map: Covid - 19

1. Contamination risk

2. Food

2.1. Shopping

2.1.1. eating pasta

2.1.2. toilet paper

2.1.3. Hoarding

3. Economy

3.1. Factories shutdown

3.1.1. Climat change Venise's fishs

3.2. Stock Exchange

3.3. Americans buy guns

4. Work

4.1. technical unemployment

4.1.1. Salary reduction

4.2. teleworking

4.2.1. difficulty to adapt

4.2.2. discovery of new software

4.2.3. Organize your space at home

5. Health

5.1. Prévention

5.1.1. Control (Police) Rules Fine

5.1.2. Shortage

5.1.3. Gel hydro.

5.1.4. Masks

5.1.5. Gloves

5.2. Sleep

5.2.1. no more schedules

5.3. Symptomes

5.4. Death

5.5. stress, anxiety

5.6. Loneliness

6. Major Actors

6.1. Police

6.2. Truckers

6.3. Care givers

6.4. Doctors

7. Each ones problem

8. Confinement

8.1. Social

8.1.1. isolement New ways of communicating Old people Lonely More vulnerable

8.2. Stop propagation

8.3. Cohabitation

8.3.1. Family and children

8.4. Lone person

8.5. New ways to occupy

8.5.1. Creativity

9. Infos

9.1. Medias

9.1.1. Fake news

9.1.2. Gathering infos

9.2. Gouvernement

9.2.1. new mesures

9.3. medical journals (specialised)

10. Movement

10.1. unexpected cost

10.2. Plane Tickets

10.3. Restrictions

10.4. Canceled Transport

11. World

11.1. Together, same problem

11.2. Closing of borders

11.3. New, unkown

11.3.1. No solution

12. Social

12.1. New Habits

12.2. Apéro

12.2.1. Alcoolisme

12.3. Communication need

12.4. Less Human Contact

12.5. Support

12.5.1. Care Givers

12.5.2. between confined

12.6. Discrimination

12.6.1. Racism