Science Grade 1 Standard 2 Objective 3 "Compare and Contrast Weather Changes"

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Science Grade 1 Standard 2 Objective 3 "Compare and Contrast Weather Changes" par Mind Map: Science Grade 1 Standard 2 Objective 3 "Compare and Contrast Weather Changes"

1. Creative Arts

1.1. Students will make rain clouds in a jar to demonstrate how clouds produce rain.

1.2. Students will make their own weather journals using construction paper and various art supplies.

1.3. Students will sing along with various weather songs. Near the end of the unit, students will create their own weather song.

1.3.1. What's the Weather Like Today | Weather Song for Kids | The Kiboomers

1.3.2. Weather Song for kids | "Sun, Rain, Wind, and Snow" | The Singing Walrus

2. Math

2.1. Students will graph over the period of the Unit the various weather they see throughout the day - particularly in the morning.

3. Social Studies

3.1. Students will learn about how the seasons affect: Clothing Jobs Food Recreation Customs Animals Plants Students will then connect the seasons around Utah and their own lives and how the seasons changes each of the items up above.

3.2. Discuss how the local Native American Tribes looked at weather, and how they celebrated weather.

4. Problem Solving

4.1. Using problem solving strategies; students will observe and hypothesize about the changing weather. They will write, observe, and then write about if they were right or wrong and why.

5. Fun Classroom Activity for Good Behavior

5.1. The Magic School Bus - Kicks up a storm OR Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs (Pair with book)

6. Careers

6.1. Students will learn about the many careers associated with the weather such as: Meteorologist Forecaster Storm Chaser Environmental Scientist, ect.

7. Physical Health and Development

7.1. After viewing Native American Rain Dances, students will make their own weather dances and explain why they chose to do each motion.

7.2. Each morning before writing in their Weather Journals - students will dance along with a weather song. What's the Weather Like Today | Weather Song for Kids | The Kiboomers

8. Social Emotional Development

8.1. Students will write/discuss goals they want to learn about before each lesson. They then will monitor their own progress and positively talk about what they've achieved.

8.2. Students will practice cooperation by helping build a poster or art project about weather with a partner. The poster has to be split equally between the two and the art project has to be the idea of both students.

9. Literacy and Language Arts

9.1. Using the weather journal students made, they will write and/or illustrate in their journals about the weather outside.

9.2. Students will write a fictional story about the life of their favorite weather in the perspective of it. (e.g, a snowflake during a snowstorm)

10. Literature

10.1. Weather by Seymour Simon Weather Words and What They Mean by Gail Gibbons Come On, Rain by Karen Hesse Albert by Donna Jo Napoli Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs by Judi Barrett May I Come In? by Marsha Diane Arnold Sun by Sam Usher The Rain Came Down by David Shannon

11. Field Trip

11.1. If possible: students will take a trip to the Discovery Gateway Children's Museum and/or the local news' weather department.