Essay Writing Checklist

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Essay Writing Checklist par Mind Map: Essay Writing Checklist

1. 1. Introduction

1.1. McCandless's actions while they could have courageous and noble were not as he didn't treat things with the proper amount of preperation and seriousness.

2. 2. Third Paragraph

2.1. Throughout McCandless's journey he refused help or guidance from many that would've proven to be critical in his time in Alaska

2.2. "'Alex, you're too early. There's still two foot, three foot of snow on the ground. There's nothing growing yet'"(Krakauer 158)

2.2.1. "'Alex, you're too early. There's still two foot, three foot of snow on the ground. There's nothing growing yet'"(Krakauer 158)

2.3. If McCandless had listened to this advice he might not have had such a hard time and possibly might still be hear to tell the tale. As he refused the advice like he did often, he made the mistake of going in when he did. Now this isn't just a unlucky thing that happened, he was warned of what could come from doing what he did and he refused the guidance and chose to make poor choices that would leed to mistakes.

3. 3. First Paragraph

3.1. McCandless's self confidence in his ability to survive with what he had was too high as it often led him to making poor decisions.

3.2. "Thinking that his escape route had been cut off he returned to the bus-a reasonable course of action, given his topographical ignorance"(Krakauer 174)

3.3. Krakauer demonstrates with this quote that because Mccandless thought he knew what he needed to and had ditched given up on getting back because he believed he couldn't. He then made the decision to go back to the bus which would end up being where he would take his last breath. He believed to much in his own knowledge that he would not try other things, and this would end up leading to his demise.

4. 4. Second Paragraph

4.1. There are many people who have had similar experience to McCandless but the difference is that many of them have acquired the skills and knowledge before hand to indever in these adventures.

4.2. "and from the age of seventeen until my late twenties that something was mountain climbing"(Krakauer 134)

4.3. This is one of a few times Krakauer shows that while he is similar to McCandless but a little different as McCandless took on a very difficult challenge with little experience and Krakauer took on those experiences with better preparation and experience. This being a major difference in the actions of Krakauer being more noble than McCandless. While both thought of things similarly, they went about dealing with those ideas in different manors. Krakauer being better versed in tight situations and usually having what he needed to survive, and McCandless having less knowledge and supplies needed.

5. 5. Conclusion

5.1. If McCandless had taken the proper steps and done things in a more sensible fashion he would've survived the trip and he would be called courageous and noble but as he did not his intentions will be the thing that is courageous and noble and his actions will be understood as something different.