Energy Drinks: Pros & Cons

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Energy Drinks: Pros & Cons par Mind Map: Energy Drinks: Pros & Cons

1. Athletes may take oral supplements of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) to try to help with recovery from workouts and enhance athletic performance."

1.1. Energy drinks should be avoided before, during, or after exercise. The caffeine and sugar in energy drinks can actually make you more dehydrated.

2. Often marketed to teens with claims that they boost energy, decease fatigue, and increase concentration.

2.1. These claims mislead many teens and adults into thinking energy drinks are beneficial for attention and sports performance.

2.2. These drinks are unhealthy for teens and the consumption of large amounts of caffeine have led to thousands of emergency room visits, and in some few extreme cases, death.

3. Energy drinks are known for their additional ingredients, such as amino acids.

3.1. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. Each contains an amino group.

3.2. Even though amino acids are not harmful for you, there is no need to consume them through energy drinks because you should already be consuming them in your diet.

4. Energy drinks come in both liquid form and powder form.

4.1. Spark is an Advocare product that has vitamins and amino acids supplements add to their product to make them healthier.

4.2. Other energy products come in liquid form like monster, rock star, and venom.