My Covid-19 Experience

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My Covid-19 Experience par Mind Map: My Covid-19 Experience

1. Cases started in Miami-Dade

2. Miami Dade College and work closed

2.1. Online Classes.

2.1.1. self learning, I cant really concentrate on this classes, Im just passing my homeworks, not fully learning.

3. Quarantine and Social distancing.

3.1. it seems to be people that doesnt understand the need of this.

4. Economic Situation, Unemployment.


5. supermarkets dont have paper, and there is no more eggs.

5.1. people is over reacting, yes. but there is not enough regulations.

6. no money, new sources of income

6.1. shopify, ebay.

7. China first news about the virus, on December.

8. My dad was planing to travel to China when all of this started, he cancelled

9. The spread of the virus started

10. first cases in other continents, and first cases in The U.S...

11. people traveling helped the virus to spread around the world


12. The virus spread all over the states

13. The first cases in Florida

14. i left my dad's house