Noel Galletas Toy

Parts of product and segmentation of NOEL

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Noel Galletas Toy par Mind Map: Noel Galletas Toy

1. Brand strategy

1.1. Pedagogical experience

1.1.1. nutritional supplements

1.1.2. Emotional feeding

1.2. Types of consumers

1.2.1. Impulsive

1.2.2. Buy the best

1.3. Cookie type knowledge

1.3.1. Content

1.3.2. Colors

2. Marketing Segmentation

2.1. Demographic

2.1.1. Age Childrens (5-13) Teens (+14) Family

2.2. Geographical

2.2.1. Colombia

3. Core

3.1. Cookies with benefits

3.1.1. Entertainment

3.1.2. Funny indulgence

3.1.3. Nutrition

4. Base product

4.1. Piramide de Maslow

4.1.1. Necesidades Basicas Alimentación Nutricional

4.2. Design

4.2.1. Snacks

4.3. Planning

4.3.1. Tangible consumption

4.3.2. Price

4.3.3. Nutritional value

5. Prospect Product

5.1. Diving

5.1.1. Investment (+2%)

5.1.2. Marketing (+58%)

5.2. Participation

5.2.1. Competition Gamesa la filial Kraft