Comprehension Strategies

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Comprehension Strategies par Mind Map: Comprehension Strategies

1. Questioning

1.1. Who, where, what, when, why

1.1.1. Write 'I wonder...' on some sticky notes. At the end ... how many answers are found

2. Synthesising

2.1. What does this mean to me?

2.1.1. Write some alternative

3. Monitoring

3.1. Notice when you have lost track of what you are reading

3.1.1. Stop and ask if this text is hard to understand

4. Summarising

4.1. What is the main idea?

4.1.1. Write 5 sentences to recap

5. Predicting

5.1. Read the title, what is this about?

5.1.1. Write 10 words you think will be in the text

6. Connecting to prior knowledge

6.1. ...this reminds me of ...

7. Determining importance

7.1. Getting the main idea

7.1.1. Write some sentences on the whiteboard, are these main or supporting ideas?

8. Visualising

8.1. Draw what you 'see'

8.1.1. Does the image change as you continue to read. Divide a page into 4 sections, stop and draw at 4 stages