Problem-Solving Leadership Skills

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Problem-Solving Leadership Skills par Mind Map: Problem-Solving Leadership Skills

1. Interpersonal Leadership Skills

1.1. Regulating Participation - limits a member's speaking time to ensure every member is given the opportunity to speak

1.2. Climate Making - safe climate for the exchange of ideas and feelings

1.3. Maintaining Mutual Respect - member's feelings, opinions and ideas should be respected

1.4. Instigating Group Self-Monitoring - group reflects on their discussion when there are obstacles

1.5. Resolving and Managing Conflict - ideas or personalities conflicts might happen

1.6. Instigating Good Conflict - devil's advocate to provoke beneficial conflicts

2. Task Leadership Skills

2.1. Contributing Ideas - brainstorming

2.2. Seeking Ideas - looking ideas from members without threatening/embarrassing them

2.3. Evaluating Ideas - concern for the sensitivity of the person who contributed the idea

2.4. Seeking Idea Evaluation - to determine the relevance and quality of brainstormed ideas

2.5. Visualing Abstract Ideas - clarify ideas

2.6. Generalising From Specific Ideas - to promote general understanding of the main idea being discussed

3. Procedural Leadership Skills

3.1. Goal Setting - to identify group goals

3.2. Agenda Making - to help group accomplish goals in orderly manner

3.3. Clarifying - to make sure understanding among group members

3.4. Summarising - to establish the idea of discussion in the minds of the group members

3.5. Verbalising Consenses - to find areas of agreement at different point of the agenda

3.6. Establishing Norms Governing Work Patterns - group members should work outside of group time to compile information

3.7. Coordinating and Performing Group Protocols - 3 protocols : social, environmental, conference