CHAPTER 3: Air Quality

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CHAPTER 3: Air Quality par Mind Map: CHAPTER 3: Air Quality

1. Claasification of Pollutants

1.1. Chemical Composition

1.1.1. Inorganic CO, CO2, carbonates, SO, NO, ozone

1.1.2. Organic Contains C, H and O2

1.2. Origin

1.2.1. Primary SOx, NOx

1.2.2. Secondary Ozone, PAN

1.3. State of Matter

1.3.1. Particulate Any dispersed matter, solid or liquid in which the individual aggregates are large than a single small molecule (0.002 µm) but smaller than about 500 µm Physical (dust and smoke) Chemical (lead and phenol) Biological (virus and bacteria)

1.3.2. Gaseous COx, NOx, dioxin

2. Effects of Particulates

2.1. Human Health

2.1.1. At high concentration, poses hazard to those susceptible to respiratory illness

2.1.2. Cause allergies

2.2. Plants

2.2.1. Reduce photosynthesis, hence effect plant growth

2.3. Animals

2.3.1. Animals that consume the plants coated with particulates suffer illness

2.4. Materials

2.4.1. Corrode metals (at relative humidities above 75%)

2.4.2. Erode Buildings Surface, discoloring and destroy painted surface

2.4.3. Soiling clothing and textiles

3. Sources of Particulates

3.1. Industrial refineries

3.2. Combustion of fuels

3.3. Transportations

3.4. Solar radiations

3.5. Forest burning

4. Air Pollutions

4.1. Definition : Air pollution is the presence in the outdoor atmosphere of one or more air contaminant in sufficient quantities, of such characteristics and duration on which possibly threaten or cause injuries to humans, plants, animals and damage properties

4.2. Presence of outdoor atmosphere of one or more contaminants in sufficient quantities

4.3. Modification of natural characteristics of atmosphere by chemical, particulate matter or biological agents

4.4. Cause harm and discomfort to living creatures

5. Changes on Mesoscale and Microscale

5.1. Urban heat island

5.2. Altered precipation

5.3. Reduced visibility

6. Source of Pollutants

6.1. Natural

6.1.1. Volcanic Eruption

6.1.2. Salt spray

6.1.3. Smoke from contaminant

6.2. Anthropogenic

6.2.1. Transportations

6.2.2. Stationary combustion

6.2.3. Industrial processes