Musical Futures

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Musical Futures par Mind Map: Musical Futures

1. Provides ways to engage all students

2. Works to build the teachers' abilities to begin musical framwork with instrumental skills, composition, and improvisation.

3. Provides support during COVID-19 School Closures.

3.1. I will be using this resource with my classes during this time! It's great to have as many resources as possible right now.

4. Most resources are free!

5. The program aims to build confidence in students as well as skill.

6. Provides resources for multiple genres to fit the interest of all students.

7. Provides resources to utilize available technology in the classroom in a meaningful way.

7.1. All of these resources enhance the way ALL students learn and give opportunities to students who may struggle with the current resources available in their class.

8. Provides resources for all stages of musical development and skill.

9. Bridges the students' school experiences and home/community experiences

9.1. By bridging these experiences, the students are able to expand their interests to all aspects of their life. Musical Futures provides insight into how they can do this.