Computer input/output

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Computer input/output par Mind Map: Computer input/output

1. The Computer is a house of never ending stories pictures and music open to everone.

2. Learn the difference in input and out putdevices

3. Input devices

3.1. Digital Cameas

3.2. Software programs and games

3.3. Keyboard

3.4. Mouse

3.5. microphone

3.6. Scanners

3.7. Basicly anything you can plug in to the computer is an input devices.

4. Computers have opened up new worlds for us all one needs to do is get through the door and explore.

5. Speaker can be just a simple speaker to a surrond sound ear spliting experience. If it is too loud your too old.

6. Speakers are necessary to hear the sounds form the computer. No speakers no Roll n Roll ! No Rock N Roll means no Elvis

7. All systems must have the monitor

8. The Monotor

8.1. This is a monitor, give you a visual of what you are doing on the computer. Similar to the T.V.

9. Monitor come in different sizes and qualities. Dependa on your needs.