LinkedIn Growth Strategy

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LinkedIn Growth Strategy par Mind Map: LinkedIn Growth Strategy

1. Posting content

1.1. Create good quality content

1.2. Be consistent

1.3. Use 3-4 Broad hashtags

1.3.1. Can use your own Hashtag to represent a personal brand

1.4. Engage with other's content and provide your valuable thoughts to make people notice you

2. Connections

2.1. Delete connections irrelevant to your niche

2.2. Connect with your Target Group via PERSONALIZED INVITE

2.2.1. Engage with their content before and after sending personalized invite

3. Identify your core competency, your skillset

3.1. Be specific

3.1.1. Engineer is wrong, Computer Science Engineer is right It helps people identify you as a solution to a particular problem

4. Why LinkedIn?

4.1. LinkedIn is where most businesses are

4.2. Easier to expand reach on LinkedIn compared to Facebook

5. How to grow?

5.1. Find your your primary objective on LinkedIn

5.1.1. Find your dream job

5.1.2. Generate leads for your business

5.1.3. Build a Personal Brand

6. Optimize your LinkedIn Profile

6.1. Put a Professional Display Picture

6.1.1. Face Clearly visible

6.2. Put a cover picture

6.2.1. A quote that describes what you do

6.2.2. Contact details

6.3. Treat your skill-sets as KEYWORDS

6.3.1. Put these keywords in About Section, Experiences, Top Skills, etc Make people endorse these skills and give recommendations to you