Participation (Note: Please add explanation and examples in the comments!!)

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Participation (Note: Please add explanation and examples in the comments!!) par Mind Map: Participation (Note: Please add explanation and examples in the comments!!)

1. Organization

1.1. good teamwork

1.2. culture : e.g. flexibility

1.2.1. SU particiapation is organisation's DNA

1.3. limitations

1.4. Network

1.4.1. Civic Society Actors Represent every vote the professionals, the youth, the parents and everybody who we have involved in the process. Yeah. And the thing. When you ask what was it for me, it was just a great experience because because so many information and we got so many Ideas and…

1.5. involve in organization, so they understand

1.6. Structure

1.6.1. D:disability accessible infrastructure

1.7. Leadership

1.7.1. focus on something new, listening to users, regular staff support and open communication of different views in daily practice supportive/flexibility of leadership

2. Review/Evaluation

2.1. e.g. written case stories for internal communication/review

2.2. no changes since beginning of service

2.3. change since '97, more socially based, more focus on kids and families with difficulties then normally functioning kids

2.4. confidentiality

3. Perception

3.1. Success

3.1.1. Result- Driven

3.2. positive feelings/experience

3.3. Prevention/Intervention

3.4. finding similarities

3.5. a lot of work

3.6. involvement in civil society is a protection factor for radicalization

3.7. participation with families from different ethnic background or problems : great mix of nationalities and also strengths

3.8. Wish for more user particiaption

4. Practitioner

4.1. curiosity

4.2. initiative

4.3. Focus on little successes

4.4. non-biased

4.5. Focus on self-reliance/autonomy of young people

4.6. role

4.7. sets the frame

4.8. social workers need to motivate

4.9. needs to merge or alter ideas of young people so they fit into frame

4.10. Being transparent, authentic and human

4.11. Listen to young people, Provide guidance, link to existing networks ( Iben Interview examples on staff discussing with youth boards and also staff guiding the youth in the travel the world activity

4.12. Front liner Mindset

4.12.1. Managing tasks in a turbulent environment

4.13. Manager's role

4.13.1. Coaching , guidance and support

4.14. asking instead of arguing against

4.15. go to them instead of making them come

5. Most important factors towards participation

5.1. facilitation between saying and actually doing

5.2. solidarity, humble, non-judgemental, honesty

5.3. value-keep professional intention/goal of "to help" ; value-instilling hope of "success" in participating youth

6. Practice

6.1. professional values

6.1.1. value/belief-believing in the capacities of the users to make change even facing challenges

6.1.2. value/principle-seeing the good intention of challenging parents and trying to involve them in communication

6.1.3. value-trying best to fulfill the wish within limitations

6.1.4. Respect

6.2. beliefs

6.2.1. young people need dreams

6.2.2. key to successfull life is participating in labour market

6.3. Relations

6.3.1. communication

6.3.2. Mutual respect

6.3.3. Facilitator / assistant

6.3.4. trust

6.3.5. not much time to be into individual talks

6.3.6. problem owner: hold on to a person until he or she gets help from someone else

6.3.7. close relations

6.4. Methods

6.4.1. person centered

6.4.2. depends on needs match between effort and approach

6.4.3. available/extra/new/creative approaches

6.4.4. Approaches to participation: new method of neuropedagogy and resource perspective

6.4.5. User boards limitation

6.4.6. being role model to communicate and facilitate suitable kind of participation

6.4.7. important to do an activity that most would join

6.4.8. Idea Bank

6.4.9. using time scale

6.4.10. certain methods exclude some SUs

6.5. process

6.5.1. Planting a seed

6.6. Reflections:

6.6.1. Professionals'vision Vs youth's interests/motivation

6.6.2. forced participation Vs Youth's want/need/motivation to participation

6.6.3. acknowledging limitation and learn to work within the frame

6.7. difficulties

6.7.1. low attendance of consultation meeting , low motivation to be consulted, don't need/want democracy acknowledging limitation Vs advocacy voluntary Vs forced participation within a framework/enough education/information

6.7.2. obstacles: money, staff

6.7.3. Overload with ongoing activities

6.8. collaboration

6.8.1. Employment collaboration Job interview Empowerement Good relations with company important projects about employment

6.8.2. Optimize, if another department has same task, they don't do it

6.8.3. Long-term process

6.8.4. importance of relationship

6.8.5. advantages and disadvantages of different perspectives

6.8.6. parents

6.9. Representation

6.9.1. service users with diverse backgrounds

6.9.2. Board representing young people meeting with pedagogues

6.10. service users opinion considered and changes in practice implemented accordingly

6.11. Development

6.11.1. Research/ Focus group discussions with service users Helps explore further what young people want and develop practice accordingly

7. Young people

7.1. Motivation

7.1.1. dreams

7.1.2. ideas has to be from young people

7.1.3. motivation through rewards

7.1.4. projects that have low threshold

7.1.5. informal talking

7.1.6. social aspect getting friends

7.1.7. Everybody gets the help they need, if they want to.

7.1.8. status

7.1.9. success

7.1.10. starting with their interests

7.1.11. earning money

7.1.12. no pressure, planting seeds

7.1.13. hearing from friends seeing what peers did/do

7.1.14. private room where they can speak their mind

7.1.15. declined over the years

7.2. Target group

7.2.1. refugees

7.3. open-minded

7.4. expectations/failure/self-fulfilling prophecy

7.5. Profile/Background

7.6. Interest

7.6.1. Communication

7.6.2. Involvement

7.7. use of user knowledge/co-production of service

7.8. fill the frame

7.9. peer support

7.10. age makes a difference in participation;

7.11. Everybody gets the help they need, if they want to.

7.12. a lack communication within family / communities

7.13. Decision Makers

7.14. Belonging

7.15. Parents

7.16. Skills

8. level of participation

8.1. being consulted

8.1.1. consulted the youth about their interests which were used to identify jobs in private sectors/companies

8.1.2. users in recruitment board and consultation meetings

8.1.3. youth being consulted the activity list

8.1.4. collecting and discussing feedback from youth and parents

8.1.5. ask for input

8.2. being informed

8.3. being partner

8.3.1. R: involve youth in the process of service planning and implementation in youth to youth dialogue project

8.3.2. Participation on equal terms

8.3.3. taking responsibility for tasks

8.4. being in control

9. Power dynamics

9.1. working with youth Vs parents Vs companies e.g. Jess

9.2. trying best within limitation e.g. Jess can't always fulfill the wishes of youth

9.3. Politicians

9.4. society as influencing factor

9.5. Compliance to political decision

9.5.1. D: difference between “don't like” and “can accept”

9.5.2. Being part of the political system

9.5.3. faith in politicians

9.6. difficulties in working with parents

9.7. influence on political decision

9.7.1. positive experience on reflecting users' voices to politicians

9.7.2. ongoing liaison and advocacy

10. feedback

10.1. close relationship important

10.2. feedback from manager/school/partners conversation around young person

10.3. finding patterns in feedback to prioritize

10.4. feedback process

10.5. used for changing practice

10.6. give feedback of citizens to politicans