What does Emilia know about geometry

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What does Emilia know about geometry par Mind Map: What does Emilia know about geometry

1. Pi

1.1. Pi is an infinite number

1.2. It is an irregular number

1.3. It has no pattern but it goes forever

2. Surface area of cylinder

2.1. The formula for a circle= pi x radius x radius = the area of a circle

2.2. The formula of a rectangle= length x width= the area of a rectangle

2.2.1. Then you add all of your answers and you got the area of a cylinder.

2.3. The formula for a circle= pi x radius x radius = the area of a circle

3. Surface area of a rectangle

3.1. Add up the area of the rectangles

3.2. HINT= separate the rectangle into 4 squares then find the area of those squares.

4. Circumference

4.1. The formula to find the circumference= Pi x diameter or Pi x radius

4.2. Include units in your answer (cm, in, ft, m)

5. Find the Area of a circle

5.1. The formula to find the area of a circle is= Pi x radius x radius

6. Translating geography vocabulary

6.1. Line Segment: a line that has two endpoints which means it stops.

6.1.1. Line segment GH OR Line segment HG (you need to use the endpoints )

6.2. Line: A line with arrows on both sides mean it continues forever in both directions.

6.2.1. Line GK OR Line HG (many options pick any two points on the line

6.3. Ray: One endpoint and one arrow. It stops at one end and continues forever in other directions.

6.3.1. Ray GH Or Ray GK (It must start with the endpoint.)

6.4. Angle: Two rays combined to create an angle.

6.4.1. Angle GKH Or Angke K (The Vertex must be in the middle

6.5. Circle:A line that is equal distance from a center point.

6.5.1. Circle H (Must be the center point)

7. Volume of a Rectangle

7.1. Formula to find volume of a rectangle= Length x width x height

8. Volume of a cylinder

8.1. Formula to find the volume of cylinder= Pi x radius x radius x right

9. Angles

9.1. Types

9.1.1. Actute angle = less than 90 degrees

9.1.2. Obuste angle = More than 90 degrees

9.1.3. Right Angle= Equal 90 degrees

9.1.4. Straight angle= Equal 180 degrease

9.2. Finding missing angles

9.2.1. Triangle All the angles add up to 180 degrees

9.2.2. Quadrilaterals (4 slides) All the angles add up to 360 degrees

10. Shapes

10.1. Area

10.1.1. The space inside a shape

10.2. Perimeter

10.2.1. The length around the shape, like a border

10.3. Angles

10.3.1. Degrease

10.4. Triangles

10.4.1. Types

10.4.2. Area= Based x Hight /2

10.5. Volume

10.5.1. Measuring 3-D objects

10.6. Measurements

10.6.1. Centimeters Squared Cubed

10.6.2. Meters Squared Meters

10.7. Squares and rectangles

10.7.1. Area L x W

10.7.2. Perimeter (L x W) x 2

10.8. Polygones

10.8.1. Octagon 8 sides

10.8.2. Pentagon 5 sides

10.8.3. Hexagon 6 sides

10.8.4. Nonagon 9 sides

10.8.5. Heptagon 7 sides

10.8.6. dodecagon 12 sides

10.8.7. Decagon 10 sides