Online-Class Taking Survey

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Online-Class Taking Survey par Mind Map: Online-Class Taking Survey

1. Motivation for taking class: A degree seeking program 75%, for work 25%

2. Why an online class?

2.1. Class offered only online 42%

2.2. No access to on-site class 8%

2.3. Convenience 33%

2.4. Other 50%

3. Who paid for class?

3.1. I paid 75%

3.2. My job 17%

4. New node

5. WORST things about online-classes

5.1. Not as much interaction with other students

5.2. Sometimes difficulty reaching professor

5.3. Lack of engagement from other students

5.4. Blackboard

5.5. No face to face experience and lack of class energy

5.6. You can't make connections to collaborators for projects as easily

5.7. The format

5.8. The fake and forced comments

5.9. The time frames of assignments

5.10. Harder to sustain/organize dialogue

6. What improvements could be made in online class taking?

6.1. More communication

6.2. More options

6.3. Better balance of in-person & online class meetings

6.4. Don't really recommend them, b/c it takes away from learning overall

6.5. More interaction

6.6. Student-participation

6.7. Better balance of in-person & online class meetings

6.8. No online classes

7. Sex ratio of respondents:

7.1. Female 71%

7.2. Male 29%

8. Have you ever taken an online class?

8.1. Yes 42%

8.1.1. My experience has been: Would you take another online class again in the future? Yes 24% No 6% Unsure 35%

8.2. No 29%

9. My age is:

9.1. under 17: 0%

9.2. 18-25: 35%

9.3. 36-45: 9%

9.4. 45-55: 4%

9.5. 56+: 0%

10. BEST things about online-classes

10.1. No travel

10.2. Work on my own time

10.3. Able to finish saying what I want to say

10.4. More engaged/involved: Nice to see what others are working on

10.5. Not having to attend

10.6. Convenience: can take class from any location

10.7. Good professor, content was about online mashups, so that was appropriate

11. My relationship with the online professor has been:

11.1. Positive for the most part

11.2. Mostly none

11.3. Pretty good, but not as intimate as on-campus classes

11.4. Neutral