Critical Thinking


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Critical Thinking par Mind Map: Critical Thinking

1. The attempt to ask and answer questions systematically.

2. Describe

3. Evaluate

4. Where

5. Where does it take place?

6. When

7. When does it occurs?

8. What next

9. Implications Solutions Conclusions Recommendations

10. What can be learned from that?

11. How can be it applied?

12. So what

13. It is succesful?

14. Is this convincing?

15. What does it mean?

16. Why

17. Why this argument/ theory/ solution

18. Why was that done?

19. Introductory and background information to contextualise problem / topic

20. Keisy Lezcano 4-793-950

21. Analyze

22. What

23. What is the main point?

24. Who

25. Who is affected?

26. Who is envolved?

27. How

28. How does it works?

29. How did this occurs?

30. What if

31. Possible situations and alternative responses

32. What if there were a problem?

33. What if this were wrong?

34. What it is about?

35. Exploration of relationship of parts to whole