Effects of Social Networking Websites on Interpersonal Communication

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Effects of Social Networking Websites on Interpersonal Communication par Mind Map: Effects of Social Networking Websites on Interpersonal Communication

1. Uses of SNS

1.1. Form/Create New Identity

1.2. Meet new users/friends

1.3. Stay in touch/maintain relationship with offline friends

2. Characteristics of Users

2.1. Who uses SNS?

2.1.1. Age

2.1.2. Gender

2.1.3. Race/Ethnicity

2.1.4. Sexuality

2.1.5. Other

2.2. Who doesn't use SNS?

2.2.1. Why?

3. Defining Relationships

3.1. Friendships

3.2. Romantic Relationships

3.3. Online v. Offline

4. Resources

4.1. Critical Studies in Media Communication

4.1.1. New node

4.2. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication

4.3. Annual Review of Sociology

4.4. Information Society

4.5. Cyberpsychology & Behavior

4.6. Journal of the Communication, Speech & Theatre Association of North Dakota

4.7. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology