Preschool Years

Preschool Years MindMap

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Preschool Years par Mind Map: Preschool Years

1. Social/personality development

1.1. gender identity

1.1.1. strict ideas about gender; child has extreme stereotypes

1.2. friends

1.2.1. friendship focuses on enjoyment of doing things and playing together (age 3)

1.2.2. focuses more on trust, shared interests, and support. (older ages)

1.3. constructive play

1.3.1. children manipulate objects to make or build something

1.4. family

1.4.1. strong positive connections between children and their parents encourage the child's relationships with others

1.5. discipline

1.5.1. the discipline style of the parent usually produces the differences in child behavior

2. Physical development

2.1. nutrition

2.1.1. eats less; don't force to eat more than they are able to

2.2. health/illness

2.2.1. physical activity, lack of judgement, and curiosity is very high resulting in more injuries

2.3. gross motor skills

2.3.1. jumping, running, skipping, and riding a bike

2.4. fine motor skills

2.4.1. undoing clothing, cutting with a pair of scissors, pencil placement

2.5. brain growth

2.5.1. lateralization females tend to show even language between hemispheres, having their language develop faster in these years

3. Cognitive development

3.1. understanding of numbers

3.1.1. able to count and use numbers in a systemic way. (age 3)

3.1.2. ability to compare different quantities and add/subtract simple problems by counting. (age 4)

3.2. autobiographical memory

3.2.1. accuracy increases gradually

3.3. scaffolding

3.3.1. provided by older people to help children solve specific problems

3.3.2. aids in overall development of cognitive abilities

3.4. language

3.4.1. private speech using this helps children try out ideas and control their behavior

3.5. television

3.5.1. able to remember what they've watched more accurately and understand the main message of a show