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Linking Mind Map par Mind Map: Linking Mind Map

1. Consonants - Vowel

1.1. t, d, k and s

1.1.1. does it / doe sit, think it / thin kit, kind of / kin dof, lot of / lo (t)dof.

2. Vowel - Vowel

2.1. y and w with oʊ, ʊ and aʊ

2.1.1. go over / go (w) over, the options / the (y). options, they offered / they. (y) offered.

3. Consonants - Consonants

3.1. l-l, m-m, s-s, z-s, v-f, ð-ð, ð-θ, θ-θ

3.1.1. feel like / feel like, some more / some more, she´s single / she(z) (s)ingle.