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Keyboarding par Mind Map: Keyboarding

1. technique

1.1. 1. keep you back straight

1.2. 2. Keep your feet flat on the floor

1.3. 3. keep your fingers on the homerow the whole time.

1.4. 4. Keep the keyboard close to you the whole time.

1.5. 5. Strike the keys quickly and accuratly.

2. Proper Typing

2.1. Speed

2.1.1. 16 Words per. Minute

2.1.2. 13 Words per. Minute

2.2. Accuracy

2.2.1. 75% accuracy

2.2.2. 53% accuracy

3. Report

3.1. 1. You need to put the page number at the top right of the page.

3.2. 2. Main heading all in caps.

3.3. 3. You need a tittle for your page.

3.4. 4. A top margin of 2 and all the other ones are 1.

3.5. 5. Double space your body paragraphs.

4. Letter

4.1. 1. After the date triple space and then start typing.

4.2. 2. Start your first body paragraph with dear.

4.3. 3. Double space your body paragraphs

4.4. 4. When your done typing put sincerely then triple space and then your name.

4.5. 5. out your lower case initials at the end.

5. Memo

5.1. 1. The top margin will always be 2 but the others will be one.

5.2. 2. Double space all body paragraphs.

5.3. 3. Always put your initials at the end.

5.4. 4. You always start with to, from, date, and subject.

5.5. 5.Put a enclosure at the end.

6. Assignments

6.1. E-mail

6.1.1. 1. Put your name, date, and who you are sending it to.

6.1.2. 2. Double space your body paragraphs.

6.1.3. 3. If showing something put the link of the website in one of your paragraphs.

6.1.4. 4. Give them your email so they eamil you back when done.

6.1.5. 5. Give your thanks at the end of your email.