History of Nursing Research

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History of Nursing Research par Mind Map: History of Nursing Research

1. The Early Years: Nightingale-1960

1.1. 1900 American Journal of Nursing begins publications

1.2. Florence Nightingale

1.3. Focus: about nursing education and administration

1.4. Funding

1.4.1. independent research funds non existent, Sigma Theta Tau was the 1st organization to award funds 1936

1.4.2. 1940's government initiated studies- like the Brown report in response to WWII for high demand for nurses sprouted more research on nurses roles, attitudes, and environments as well as nurse patient interactions 1950's there was an increase of RN's with advanced degree, establishment of a nursing research center @ Walter Reed Army institute of Research and the American Nurses Foundation 1952 Nursing Research journal due to demand in number of studies conducted 1960's nursing leaders expressed concern over the lack of research in nursing practice

2. 1970's with the increase in nursing studies and discussions of theoretical and contextual issues

2.1. New journals: Advances in Nursing Science, Research in Nursing & Health, and the Western Journal of Research

2.2. Focus: patient care; signifying RN's recognizing need for Evidence base from which to practice and clinical utilization of research findings.

2.3. There were more doctorate prepared nurses as well improved research skills - expanded internationally to Europe

3. 2000-current

3.1. NINR priorities :

3.1.1. qulaity and cost effectiveness of care

3.1.2. health promotion and disease prevention

3.1.3. management of symptoms

3.1.4. adaptation to new technologies

3.1.5. health disparities

3.1.6. palliative care at the end of life care

4. 1990's more national visibility, NCNR was promoted to full NIH status

4.1. 1993 NINR National Institute of Nursing Research (mainstream)

4.1.1. research priorities: biobehavioral factors related to immunocompetence living with chronic illness chronic illness cognitive impairment Effectiveness of nursing interventions in HIV/AIDS

4.2. 1993 Cochrane Collaboration was inaugurated - international network of institutions & individuals maintaining and updating systematic reviews of hundreds of clinical interventions to facilitate EBP

4.3. 1995 in Australia the Joanna Briggs institute worldwide collaboration

4.4. several journals established

4.4.1. Clinical Nursing Research, Journal of Clinical Nursing, and Qualitative Health Research emergence of in depth studies, new methodologies

4.5. 1999 AHRQ Agency for Health Care Policy and Research

5. 1980'new level, increased number of qualified nurse researchers, computers -collecting and analyzing information

5.1. Focus: on type of questions asked, methods of collecting and analyzing information, linking research with theory and utlization of research findings in practice

5.2. 1985 American Nurses Association Cabinet on Nursing Research established priorities

5.3. 1986 NCNR National Center for Nursing Research & NIH National Institues of Health by congressional mandate

5.3.1. NCNR was to promote and financially support research projects and training related patient care

5.4. late 1980's McMaster Medical School in Canada designed clinical learning strategy called Evidence Based Medicine EBM

5.5. 1989 U.S. govt. establishes AHCPR Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (later knon as AHRQ

5.5.1. Clinical Practice Guidelines CPG's