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Happiness par Mind Map: Happiness

1. verbal collocations

1.1. ...

1.2. bring

1.3. glow with

1.4. be filled with

2. Happy

2.1. verbal collocations

2.1.1. make sb

2.1.2. die

2.1.3. ...

2.1.4. ....

2.2. adverbs

2.2.1. .... ....

2.2.2. ....

2.2.3. ....

2.2.4. .....

2.3. prepositions

2.3.1. with

2.3.2. about

2.3.3. for

2.4. ...

2.4.1. unhappy

2.4.2. sad

2.4.3. mournful

2.4.4. miserable

2.4.5. ...

2.5. synonyms

2.5.1. ...

2.5.2. ....

2.5.3. ...

3. idioms

4. synonyms

4.1. bliss

4.2. exuberence

4.3. ...

5. modifiers

5.1. extreme

5.1.1. sheer

5.1.2. pure

5.2. ecstatic

5.3. eternal

5.3.1. = lasting

5.4. ....

6. Any other associations :)