Building Fluffy's Dog House

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Building Fluffy's Dog House par Mind Map: Building Fluffy's Dog House


1.1. Suitable home for Fluffy.

1.2. Be Fluffy's personal safe haven.

1.3. Protects Fluffy from harsh weather.

1.4. Provide Fluffy with a sense of security and protection.


2.1. #1 Frame the Base

2.2. #2 Attach the Platform Floor

2.3. #3 Frame the House Side Walls

2.4. #4 Frame the Front and Back Walls

2.5. #5 Attach the Framing Walls

2.6. #6 Create and Mount the Roof Framing

2.7. #7 Cut and Install the Siding

2.8. #8 Create the Side Door Opening and Attach Dog Door

2.9. #9 Construct the Ramp Base

2.10. #10 Secure the Ramp and Make Final Touches

3. Preparation

3.1. Determine the Size of the Dog House

3.2. Consider the Weather

3.3. Find an Ideal Location

3.4. Narrow down and purchase materials


4.1. Power Drill

4.2. Circular Saw

4.3. Standard Level

4.4. Tape Measure

4.5. Claw Hammer

4.6. Writing Utensil

4.7. Carpenter Square

4.8. Staple Gun


5.1. Nails

5.2. Screws

5.3. Plywood

5.4. Pressure Treated Wood

5.5. Drip Edge

5.6. Wood Siding

5.7. Roof Shingles

5.8. Construction Adhesive