Rest for your Souls

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Rest for your Souls par Mind Map: Rest for your Souls

1. Matthew 11:28-30

1.1. Learn Rest

1.1.1. Jeremiah 6:16 "ancient paths" "good way" "walk in it"

1.2. Yoke should be something comfortable for the Ox to pull and wear. This makes the work of the ox more efficient. A yoke was used in farming to produce a harvest. To take on Jesus' yoke means that we are to work the fields. His yoke being light should give us some insight into how spreading the gospel should be. If the burden becomes heavy in that regard, we should refer back to how Jesus worked the fields.

1.2.1. Matthew 13:39 Parable of Sower

1.2.2. Luke 10:2

1.2.3. Revelation 14:15

1.2.4. Luke 8:11

1.2.5. 1 Kings 12:4

1.3. Heavy Laden with men's interpretation of God's word..much like the oral law Matthew 12:1-8

1.3.1. 1 John 5: 1-3

1.3.2. Matthew 23:4 adding to the will of the Father

1.3.3. Matthew 23:23-24 focusing on the lesser things and leaving the greater things... justice, mercy, faithfulness. Straining out a gnat and swallowing a camel?

1.3.4. Mark 7:8-13 Traditions of men we take more seriously than those of the Father.