
mind-map on Indigo by Louis Fischer

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Indigo par Mind Map: Indigo

1. a movement by farmers in Champaran

2. It was a revolt against the injustice done by British landlords with sharecroppers who were producing indigo.

3. Raj Kumar Shukla decided to rope in Mahatma Gandhi in this movement.

4. Gandhi's arrival in Champara was a moral boast for poor sharecroppers.

5. Local administration summoned Gandhi

6. He appeared in the court but refused to take bail.

7. He was supported by local farmers and also lawyers.

8. He was released without bail.

9. This was one of its kind in the history -where British courts was forced to release someone without bail.

10. Gandhi became instrumental in the settlement between sharecroppers and land lords of champaran.

11. According to Gandhi 'it was a turning point in his life that made him realize the power of peaceful protest.