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Windward par Mind Map: Windward

1. POS

1.1. with / without customer

1.2. open end for merchant services

1.2.1. preferred Worldpay, Sterling (EVO)

2. Sales to PO

2.1. modifiers use tiers instead of all indivuals

2.2. opetion include backorder, oversell, sell avail. , special order, other deprt. return

3. 8 weeks to fully implement

4. Web View

5. Importing Customer Info / Sales

6. CRM Usage

7. Sandbox, Support & Training

7.1. 2 weeks access

8. Integration with Financials

9. No complete offline mode.

9.1. outages

9.2. Verizon Hotspot

9.3. They are workiig on offline