Art in the Children’s House: Exression

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Art in the Children’s House: Exression par Mind Map: Art in the Children’s House: Exression

1. The Metal Insets

1.1. Harmonious combinations

1.2. Decorative art or Montessori drawings

2. The Preparation of the Hand

2.1. So many things and activities in the classroom prepare the hand either directly or indirectly for writing and therefore drawing

3. Art in the First Plane

3.1. spontaneous art expression is a universal characterinstic of all children

3.2. Follows a set progression from 2-7 years old

3.3. Don’t attribute specific intentions to these expressions, it is mainly about exporting shape

3.4. Allow free development and choice at this time.

4. Human Tendencies, Absorbent Mind, and Sensitive Periods

4.1. Art promotes normalization by providing activities with real objects used by the hand coupled with mental concentration

4.2. Indirect Preparation to show how to handle tools and techniques

4.3. Sensorial Exploration: visual, touch, and smell

4.4. Enrichment of vocabulary and language experience

4.5. Freedom and Discipline:art is a protected free choice in the activity and content

5. Creating an Environment for Free Expression and Creativity

5.1. Keep in mind the characteristics of thee First Plane child and the Montessori Materials

5.1.1. Provide materials with no product such as clay and blocks

5.1.2. Comment on the “design” instead of trying to guess the subject

5.1.3. As the older children progress a set of special supplies may be necessary such as illustrating a story or decorating math facts

5.2. Provide real tools and quality materials like those an adult would use, just smaller

5.3. Maximum independence

5.4. Prepare presentations as we do for the other lessons in the Casa

5.4.1. Create a system for labeling and taking home the work as a part of the presentation

5.4.2. Seasonal projects Art Visitors are welcome

5.5. Limits of Choice(shelf, work as long as you want, return ready for the next person)

5.5.1. Guides character development if the work is not immediately available

5.6. 3 Part Work Cycle(gathering, engaging, cleaning up)