Religion affects the lives of its followers by...

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Religion affects the lives of its followers by... par Mind Map: Religion affects the lives of its followers by...

1. Sense of Belonging

1.1. To be in a religion is like beginning in a community they share the same beliefs as you, so it is easy to feel like you are a part of that religion. Sense of Belonging is Sense of belonging is the psychological feeling of belonging or contentedness to a social, spatial, cultural, professional, or other type of group or a community. The Hindu caste system is a good example of this because in the Hindu caste system the higher you are on the body the more valued you are. When you have classes in your religion you are going to want to be higher on the system. This will give you a sense of belonging in the community because the same beliefs and same understanding in the levels of the Caste system will give you a sense of belonging.

1.2. Another religion that shows you that you have a sense of belonging is the Muslims. They have very strict rules that EVERYONE must follow, this will give people in the community a sense of belonging because every one is doing the same thing. Some of the things they did were pray 5 times a day and in there life you would have to visit Mecca at least once. This follows that claim religion affects the lives of its followers by sense of belonging because sense of belonging is feeling like you are part of a community. If everyone follows that same thing you will feel connected to everyone.

2. Moral Code

2.1. Moral code is a written, formal, and consistent set of rules prescribing righteous behavior, accepted by a person or by a group of people. One example of this is in the religion of Christianity the New testaments say, "Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God." This supports that religion religion affects the lives of its followers by moral code because the new testaments are a list of rules that that tell you to do the right thing.

2.2. Another religion that supports that statement religion affects the lives of its followers by moral code is Judaism. The people in the Judaism religion follow the Ten Commandments. The Ten commandments is a list of rules that everyone should follow such as, "you shall not steal," and "you shall have no other gods to rival me." This supports our claim because a moral code is a group of rules that tell you what is right/what you should follow. The Ten Commandments are a list of rules everyone should follow.

3. Peaceful Coexistence

3.1. Peaceful Coexistence is competition without war, or a policy of peace between nations of widely differing political systems and ideologies. One example of this is in the Ten Commandments. In the Ten Commandments the first commandments is I am the lord of your god. This supports religion affects the lives of its followers by peaceful coexistence because if there is only one god than there will be no arguments or war about leaders and politics. This will affect you because in your every day life you will not have to argue about politics and make everything more peaceful.

3.2. One final reason to support that religion affects the lives of its followers by peaceful coexistence is the Hindu Caste System. In the Hindu religion there are different levels of the Caste System, this could cause a skilled worker to want to be higher in the classes. This could cause arguments but to prevent this the Caste System has jobs assigned to each level. This will prevent arguments between the Hindu followers because if you follow this religion you have to know that you are on that level. Peaceful Coexistence is having competition without war, The Ten Commandments have that because the different classes will bring competition but will ultimately prevent war.