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1. The rate of change of angular displacement

2. Average angular velocity,ωav= ∆θ/∆t,

2.1. Angular displacement,θ= s/r

2.1.1. An angle through which a point or line has been rotated in a specified direction in a specified axis.

3. Relationship between linear velocity, v and angular velocity,ω is v=rω

4. 1.Rotational kinematics

4.1. unit in radian (rad)

4.2. Instantaneous angular velocity ω= dθ/dt,

4.2.1. Instantaneous rate of change of angular displacement

4.2.2. vector quantity

4.2.3. radian per second

4.3. Instantaneous angular acceleration α= dω/dt,

4.3.1. The instantaneous rate of change of angular acceleration

4.3.2. vector quantity

4.3.3. radian per second per second

4.4. Average angular acceleration, αav = ∆ω/∆t

4.4.1. The rate of change of the angular velocity

4.4.2. radian per second per second

5. 4.Conservation of angular momentum

5.1. Angular momentum, L=Iω

5.1.1. The product of angular velocity of the body and its moment of inertia about the rotation axis.

5.1.2. vector quantity

5.1.3. unit- kilogram metre square per second

5.2. Relationship between angular momentum, L and linear momentum, p

5.2.1. A vector sums of all the torque acting on a rigid body ism proportional to the rate of change of the angular momentum

5.3. Relationship between angular momentum, L and linear momentum, p

5.3.1. Iω=constant if Στ ⃗ = 0

6. Στ=Iα

7. Factors that affect I

7.1. mass of the body

7.2. shape of the body

7.3. position of the rotation axis

8. 3.Rotational dynamics

8.1. Moment of inertia,I = ∑_(i=1)^n▒m_(i r^2 )

8.1.1. The sum of the products of the mass of each particle and the square and its respective distance from the rotation axis.m

8.1.2. scalar quantity

8.1.3. unit- kilogram metre square

9. 2.Equilibrium of a uniform rigid body

9.1. Torque,τ ⃗ = r ⃗ × F ⃗

9.1.1. The product of a force and its perpendicular distance from the line of action of the force to the point (rotation axis)m

9.1.2. Rigid body,ΣF ⃗ =F_(nett )= 0 A body with definite shape that doesn’t change so that the particles that compose it stay in fixed position relative to one another even though a force is exert on it.

9.1.3. Centre of gravity, CG = the point at which the whole weight of the body may be considered to act