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violence par Mind Map: violence

1. sexual abuse without your consent

1.1. sexual violence

1.2. I'm ashamed to admit it

1.3. risk of getting reproductive diseases

1.4. risk of STD infection

1.5. high probability of getting pregnant

1.6. abortion or unwanted child

1.6.1. or another optimistic exit from the situation

2. physical violence

2.1. beating

2.2. fear of confessing to someone

2.3. the beating continues

2.4. the feeling of helplessness

2.5. denial

2.6. anger

2.7. Stockholm syndrome

2.7.1. or another optimistic exit from the situation

3. sexual harassment

3.1. violation of personal boundaries

3.2. sense of shame

3.3. fear of sharing

3.4. impunity of the abuser

3.5. or another optimistic exit from the situation

4. economical violence

4.1. limit spending of personal money

4.2. limit in the primary requirements

4.3. food, shelter, medicine, etc.

4.4. no money of your own

4.5. nowhere to live

4.6. nothing to eat

4.7. no one to turn to for help

4.8. humility

4.9. exit from the situation

4.10. or another optimistic exit from the situation

5. This site can help you to find aanother optimistic exit from every of this situation

5.1. Instruction manual

5.2. personal consultation

5.3. contacts of crisis centers

5.4. contacts of law enforcement agencies

5.5. together we will find a way out