Dayantez Knox Portfolio

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Dayantez Knox Portfolio par Mind Map: Dayantez Knox Portfolio

1. Intro Letter

1.1. Start Here

1.2. Personal Portfolio

2. Math Dictionary

2.1. Standard 1

2.2. SWLO - Collaboration/Work Ethic

2.3. Reflection

3. Individual Home Savings

3.1. Standard 2

3.2. SWLO - Technology/Work Ethic/Creative Problem Solving

3.3. Reflection

4. Mini Book

4.1. Standard 3

4.2. SWLO - Work Ethic

4.3. Reflection

5. Renewable Energy Project

5.1. Standard 4

5.2. SWLO - Work Ethic/Collaboration/Communication/Technology

5.3. Reflection

6. Human Trafficking: "I - Search paper"

6.1. Standard 5

6.2. SWLO - Work Ethic/Communication

6.3. Reflection

7. Remember the Titans Reflection

7.1. Standard 6

7.2. SWLO - All

7.3. Reflection

8. Industrial Revolution

8.1. Standard 7

8.2. SWLO - Work Ethic/Creative Problem Solving/Collaboration

8.3. Reflection

9. Religion Belief System

9.1. Standard 8

9.2. SWLO - Work Ethic/Communication/Collaboration

9.3. Reflection

10. Data Analysis

10.1. Class Contents

11. Outro Letter

11.1. Conclusion